Why Gains Are Making You Ugly – The Science of Sexy Vol. 2

You’ve been putting in the hard work. You’ve been dieting right, hitting the gym, and you’re finally putting on some muscle.

The girls have started giving quite a bit of attention. Encouraged, you believe that muscles equals sexy. Hence, you aim to pack on as much meat as you possibly can, in the hopes of being even more attractive.

Hold on there Hercules. I have an unpleasant secret for you. One that will leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

Your gains are starting to make you ugly. Continue reading “Why Gains Are Making You Ugly – The Science of Sexy Vol. 2”

The Science of Sexy: How to be Attractive to ANY Girl

From the good ole days of hunting boars and throwing spears, there was a certain scientific, yet seemingly magical phenomena, that meant you were a Man. It meant you were strong. You were capable of surviving dangerous situations. You had stamina. Basically, you were everything a woman wanted — needed — in a male.

Couple thousands of years later, and this effect still holds true. Even better, you can harness the power of science to make you irresistible to any girl you come across. And I mean any girl. Continue reading “The Science of Sexy: How to be Attractive to ANY Girl”